Life Over Cs

Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Recognition | Letter Identification


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Life Over Cs


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Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Recognition | Letter Identification


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Print & Go pages for uppercase and lowercase letter recognition. No prep needed. 3 Levels of letter identification grids included: uppercase, lowercase, and uppercase/lowercase combined for easy differentiation as your students are learning their letters.

There are 2 letters to a page


Included in the Uppercase/Lowercase Letter Recognition Pack Set 2:

26 Find the lowercase letter pages

26 Find the uppercase letter pages

26 Find the uppercase/lowercase letter pages

Choose the mats that fit your students needs and abilities the best.

Free printable letter recognition grids. Perfect kindergarten literacy center for learning the alphabet.


For an additional challenge try our Alphabet: Find the Letter I Spy game with multiple fonts for each letter:

Alphabet I Spy with Multiple Fonts

This is a digital file. You will receive the PDF or .zip file for you to download and print.